How Many Years to Become a Physical Therapist? Find Out Here

By vicky684 about 4 months ago

How many years do you need to become a physical therapist? At some point in time, most people contemplate the question: how many years or how long will it take. Becoming a physical therapist is very rewarding, however, it takes some time, effort, and commitment.

Physical therapists (PTs) are healthcare professionals who help patients recover from injuries or treat chronic conditions by improving their range of motion and mobility using specific techniques. But what is the time it will take to accomplish this dream?

The Process Of Achieving The Dreams Of A Physical Therapist

In the journey of becoming a physical therapist, there are multiple phases of training and education to be undertaken. It can take on average 7-8 years to finally practice as a licensed physical therapist. Now, let us analyze the breakdown of the processes involved in more detail.

Step One: Bachelor’s Degree (Four Years)

Prior to making an application to a DPT program, it will be necessary to first obtain a baccalaureate degree. It is not uncommon for physical therapy degree programs to partake of any particular major. However, if such courses are offered, students should choose to major in areas such as biologyskiing, or even kinesiology as they will help them in advancing their studies in the DPT program for these are the areas of focus in the DPT program.

As part of your bachelor’s education, it is also advisable to undertake studies in anatomy, physiology, and physics as they are usually required for physical therapy school admission.

Step 2 Doctor of physical therapy degrees, Program (3 Years).

The next step after completing bachelor’s degree is to join a DPT which is Doctor of Physical Therapy Degree program. It is a 3 years post-baccalaureate program that is completely dedicated to preparing students for the practice of physical therapy.

In the course of DPT, the students will be taught matters such as biomechanics and the related sciences of therapeutic exercisespathology, and those that will be involved in patient management. Students however do not just remain in classrooms as clinical internships are also incorporated into the course of study.

Step 3 Clinical Experience

One of the core activities of the DPT program includes clinical rotations. These internships enable students to engage in practice amid supervision of licensed professional physical therapists and on the field with practice under professional settings. Clinical training is one of the key aspects of learning and in most instances takes many months towards the end of the DPT course.

Step 4: Getting Through the Licensure Exam

The last challenge after finishing your DPT program is tackling the National Physical Training Examination (NPTE). Registration to take the exam is required for almost all physical therapists in the US. This exam acts as a regulator to confirm whether a candidate can practice safely and competently or not.

It may take many months to prepare for the NPTE but once you get it over with , you are one step closer to getting licensed as a physical therapist.

How Many Years To Train As A Physical Therapist?

So, how many years to become a physical therapist? For most, it will be around 7 to 8 years in total for all the educational and licensing procedures. They include, but are not limited to:

  • 4 years as an undergraduate

  • 3 years dedicated to Doctor of Physical Therapy studies

  • Extra time frame to prepare and do the NPTE

For some students, the time may be aggravated further if they wish to gain employment prior to seeking DPT admission, or if they prefer an extended learning schedule.

Are There Speedier Options?

The clinical pathway for DPT students takes an average of 7 to 8 years to finish, while some may manage to complete their studies earlier. Sometimes, a combined DPT and undergraduate program may be available. In these programs, the degree can be satisfied in 5 to 6 years. Nevertheless, those programs call for a remarkable academic record as well as being extremely rigorous and challenging.

Specialization and Further Studies

license holders, such as physical therapists, might develop a further specialization, for instance, in sports therapyorthopedicspediatrics, etc. It is necessary for them to receive further education and complete training, which usually include residency programs for a duration of 1 to 2 years.

All physical therapists may receive further education in the form of any available opportunities such as seminars, conferences, practice-oriented training, etc., because all of these activities are essential for physical therapists’ qualification upgrade.

Is the Investment of Time Worth Becoming a Physical Therapist?

Although the journey to becoming a physical therapist can be perceived as lengthy, the rewards in the end are countless. One can expect to see high satisfaction levels in a job, overall good earning potential as well as engaging in benefitting patients. As reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the forecasted rise in demand among employers for physical therapists is projected to be at 21% over a decade and this growth rate is in fact higher than the average for all the occupations.


When addressing the issue of importance, the matter of how many years to become a physical therapist, the reasonable answer is approximately 7 to 8 years. It begins with obtaining a bachelor degree, follows with attending a DPT program which is then succeeded with completing clinical training and most importantly passing the NPTE exam. It's time consuming for sure, but the end product is a profession which one enjoys the most, as they help others restore movement and rehabilitate.

If you are someone who wants to help others and have a keen interest in healthcare, then you might have an answer in physical therapy. Are you keen to take up this interesting adventure?